01449 774161

01449 774161

Our track record

We believe our community based rehabilitation approach is the best way to help you overcome the barriers to your recovery and we are proud of what we have been able to achieve.

Your physical recovery

More than nine out of ten of our people have either fully or partially achieved their goals of decreasing in their level of disability.

We work with people requiring physical assistance to walk when they first come to Shaftesbury Icanho, and on discharge more than one in two are able to walk independently.

Your emotional wellbeing

We look at a person’s emotional wellbeing as part of their recovery from a brain injury, and ensure that this falls within the normal range for anxiety and mood at the time of discharge.

Getting you back into work and the community

Our community based approach to your rehabilitation has resulted in more than eight out of ten people improving their skills required to access their community.

Almost nine out of ten people we have worked with have developed use of leisure activities after their brain injury.

We know that work is an imporant part of life and we have ensured that more than half of our people who were previously working have returned to full or part-time employment.

Always improving the way we work

We want to make sure the people we work experience the best service from us. The people we work with and their carers have seen their quality of life increase after their rehabilitation with us.

Following the use of our services, we have been able to reduce paid care hours by 125 hours per week. This has lead to an annual saving of £130,000 and an annual reduction of 22,600 of unpaid hours.

Annual Report

This report summarises activity and outcome data over the period from April 2023 to March 2024. Shaftesbury Icanho continues to offer rehabilitation, with centre-based appointments, home visits and support to access community opportunities, as well as remote sessions when appropriate. This year we have seen over 20% increase in referrals. The numbers of people with recorded diagnosis of Acquired Brain Injury in the UK continues to rise and we are aware of a similar increase in referrals within the Suffolk neuro rehabilitation pathway.

We have been working closely with the commissioners of our service, other NHS and voluntary sector organisations to seek opportunities for more integrated working to meet the increasing demand for services. One such example has been our involvement in an NHS England catalyst funded project to ensure all stroke survivors have access to a holistic 6-month review across Suffolk and North East Essex. Additional resources from this project has enabled us to grow our interdisciplinary team with recruitment of a stroke nurse.

Working closely with our service user group we had a successful open day in July where we launched our Community Opportunities project which aims to grow through making connections, opportunities for our clients and families to access continued support they need after discharge. Ensuring we have fit for purpose systems and processes continues to be a focus for us so we can ensure we utilise our resources in the best possible way. and this year we have been working with NHS partners to move to an electronic patient record system ‘SystmOne’ used by NHS community teams and GPs. Once in place and with clients consent this will enable us to access and share health information in timely way with other professionals to benefit our clients and families.
You can download the report here >