01449 774161

01449 774161

Referrals for legal professionals & case managers

Individuals who are referred to Livability Icanho should meet the following criteria:

  • Be medically stable and well enough to be able to benefit from community rehabilitation.
  • Be aged 18 or over.
  • Have an acquired non-progressive brain injury, including trauma, stroke, haemorrhage, infection or tumour. If individuals have multi-pathology, the brain injury should be their primary diagnosis. Any secondary problems should not be so significant that they exclude them from benefiting from brain injury rehabilitation.
  • Require an interdisciplinary approach with some or all of the different professional groups working towards common goals, including Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Social Work/family support, Speech and Language Therapy and medical input from a Consultant Neurologist.
  • Require a highly specialist brain injury rehabilitation service that explores all areas of difficulty including social, family, emotional, adjustment to disability, vocational, physical, functional, communication, cognition and behaviour.
  • Have complex difficulties resulting from their brain injury, either with multiple problems or a single problem of great complexity. For example, this would include those people with complex physical needs or those with subtle cognitive and emotional changes.
  • Have the potential to benefit from, and the willingness to participate in, the rehabilitation process.

Clients with a primary mental health problem or severe behavioural difficulties

Those clients who have a primary mental health problem or severe behavioural difficulties that cannot be managed in the community with specialist support may not be accepted to this service. Every effort will be made to work in partnership with their families or signpost to the most appropriate services.

Those individuals with particular needs – for example with access, transport, continence, medication or meal-time needs – should be discussed with the Clinical Lead at the time of the referral.

Please contact us to make a referral or to find out more information here.